Sådan undgår du checksvindel

Hos SommerhusDanmark.dk holder vi et skarpt øje med aktuelle svindelmetoder, så vi hurtigst muligt kan advare dig og andre udlejere.

Fælles for alle svindelmetoder er dog, at de let kan undgås, hvis du blot insisterer på at modtage betaling forud - via bankoverførsel eller MobilePay!

Her dykker vi ned i emnet checksvindel, som i lighed med kreditkortsvindel primært udføres af udenlandske svindlere.

Så kan du fremover let spotte en svindelmail i din indbakke - hurtigt slette den - og så koncentrere dig om de mange hæderlige lejere, der blot vil nyde en dejlig ferie i dit feriehus!

Eksempel på checksvindel - den såkaldte Nigeria svindel

Lige som med alle andre former for mailsvindel er checksvindel meget let at genkende, når først du er opmærksom på metoden. Ordlyden af check svindelmails kan variere, men de er som regel bygget over samme skabelon.

Her nedenfor kan du se et eksemplel på checksvindel - også kaldet Nigeria-svindel på grund af metodens udbredelse i netop Nigeria. Vi håber dermed, at dine indre advarselslamper begynder at blinke på et tidligt tidspunkt, næste gang en checksvindler forsøger at indfange dig i sit bedrageriske net.

OBS: Husk på, at der også godt kan være andre måder at svindle med checks, så vær generelt påpasselig med at modtage checks fra lejere - uanset hvor god en lejeaftale, der umiddelbart er tale om. Brug altid bankoverførsel eller MobilePay!

Første mail fra kreditkortsvindleren

2009/10/20 David Francis

Hello, David from florida state and i will like to know if your property is available from :

Checking Date : 1 dec 2009
Checkout Date 27th dec 2009
2 Adults : 0 children

Let me know if the property is available or not and don't forget to include the prices if the property is available. Thanks.

Contact Number : +1386-490-1783
Sent from my BlackBerry®

Anden mail fra kreditkortsvindleren

From: dr_david1144@rocketmail.com
Subject: Booking and rental contract

Thanks a lot for your mail and your understanding. Well i am very happy to read from you back as regard the property would be available from 1st dec 2009 till 27 dec 2009. I would like to let you know that i am okay with the asking price 11.550dkk.

Concerning the payment arrangement,i am also assuring you that won't be a problem as one of our company associate in state would be paying the one on my behalf and i had already spoke with him about this and he said that won't be any problem that we should let him know when everything is set so that he can issue you out the payment Asap.

The payment that you would be receiving will be in excess which you are to deduct the week rent and our flight arrangement.I would have love to pay the Traveling Agent but our company associate that would issue out the payment will leave America by Friday at most.

As soon as you get the Euros Check ,you will get it deposited in your bank for clearance and after the money has been cleared into your account,you would deduct the upfront payment and send the remaining balance,which would be for our flight expenses,BTA (Basic Travelers Allowance) and some other necessary paperwork's. The balance should be sent to our traveling agent whose information i would give to you as soon as you receive payment.

Here is my information below:
Adults : 2 - David Francis and Mrs Lisa Francis
121 Madie Lane, Santa Rosa Beach, Fl 32459, USA
Contact Number : +1386-490-1783
Home Fax Number :+1206-202-4196
Office Fax Number : +1206-600-4875

Pls i want you to do this for me in good faith. if you comply, do not hesitate to provide me with these information.
Full Name on Euros Check or America Check :
Full Address,City : Zip Code: State :Country :
Telephone Number :

I would be very glad if you can be of a helping hand and hope to read back from you soonest.
Best Regards, David Francis
Sent from my BlackBerry®